About Us
For over a half a Century our Team of Professionals has been doing business globally across all of aviation.
Based in the tri-state New York area, our representatives, services and partnerships span across the entire continental Americas and beyond to Seattle, Toulouse, Hong Kong, Doha, Dubai, Tokyo, London, Rome, Athens and Sydney. Our Management Partners and Industry leading consultants and analysts are available to deliver and suit your needs across the globe. We've helped to create and grow, some of the world's most successful Airlines, Operators and Airport Terminals.
Our team of over 200 Boeing, Airbus, Embraer, McDonnell Douglas, and Lockheed pilots have combined over 1,000,000 hrs. of flight time in all major Jet Transport Variants of Aircraft. They maintain the highest level of proficiency through constant training and currency. Most of them are currently Instructors (TRI's) and Check-Airmen (TRE's) in various capacities throughout the Industry.
We pride ourselves on being a trend setting firm with our E-commerce and Virtual Business approach. We support our environment by minimizing our carbon footprint with our unique virtual business strategies and concepts. Our web based solutions in Business have been modeled and used by various other firms including Fortune 500 companies. This truly shows that "mimicry IS the sincerest form of flattery!"